Moduli and Stacks Learning Seminar, 2023
Semester 2, 2023: Alper–Halpern-Leinster–Heinloth
Organizer: Fei Peng
Time: Wednesdays 2-3pm, Peter Hall 162
The topic of the seminar is to work through Existence of moduli spaces for algebraic stacks.
Semester 1, 2023: The Picard Stack
Organizer: Jack Hall and Fei Peng
Time: Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15pm, Peter Hall 162
The topic of this seminar is to prove that the Picard stack and functor are algebraic.
Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, 2021
If you would like to attend or be added to the mailing list please email
Semester 2, 2021: oo-categories
Organiser: Lance Gurney
Time: Fridays 5-6pm.
The topic of the seminar is to work through the foundations of oo-categories.
Semester 1, 2021: Prismatic Cohomology
Organisers: Lance Gurney, Jack Hall, Christian Haesemeyer
Time: Fridays 3:15pm-5:00pm
The topic of the seminar is the recent prismatic cohomology of Bhatt-Scholze and its interpretation via stacks due to Drinfeld here and here. [At some point this paper by Kisin will probably pop-up].
The talks will hopefully have notes posted afterwards. A more detailed reference for some things will be found in the evolving notes on prisms (draft) which also covers the case of DVRs other than Zp.
21 May Jack Hall Lefschetz theorems via localization
I will discuss a new approach to Lefschetz style hyperplane theorems using localizations of triangulated categories. The approach is also applicable to the Fargues–Fontaine curve, an object of recent interest in arithmetic geometry.
14 May Lance Gurney Prismatization Notes
The aim is to define prismatization and (time permitting) prismatic cohomology.
7 May Lance Gurney Some computations Notes
I gave an explicit description of the divisor in Sigma and of fibre products over Sigma.
30 April Lance Gurney What is a prism? (continued) Notes
24 April Lance Gurney What is a prism? Notes
I will begin with some motivational remarks about prismatic cohomology. After this I’ll explain the definition of a prism and of Drinfeld’s stack $\Sigma$. Time permitting some associated analogies from the theory of curves over finite fields (and shtukas).
Previous Seminars