
Academic Staff

Prof Christian Haesemeyer


Motives, algebraic cycles, K-theory

A/Prof Jack Hall

Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow

Algebraic stacks, moduli spaces, formal and analytic geometry, deformation theory

Dr Johanna Knapp

Senior Lecturer and ARC Future Fellow

String theory, algebraic geometry, Gauge theory

Dr Peter McNamara

Senior Lecturer

Representation theory

Dr Daniel Murfet


Mathematical logic, algebraic geometry, topological field theories

Prof Paul Norbury


Gauge theory, mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, moduli spaces

Prof Arun Ram


Combinatorics, Representation Theory, algebraic geometry, number theory,
algebraic topology and mathematical physics

Prof Kari Vilonen

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow

Representation theory, algebraic geometry, algebraic analysis

Dr Chenyan Wu

Senior Lecturer

Representation theory, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory


Dr Dougal Davis

Research Fellow (2022 – present)

Algebraic geometry and representation theory

Dr Lance Gurney

Research Fellow (2021 – present)

Number theory, arithmetic geometry, cohomology

Dr Scott Mullane

ARC DECRA Fellow (2023 – present)

Algebraic geometry and the geometry of moduli spaces

Graduate Researchers

Oliver Li (Hall)

Fei Peng (Hall)


A/Prof Alex Ghitza

Associate Professor

computational number theory, Galois representations, Shimura varieties, Automorphic forms

Dr Yaping Yang

Senior Lecturer

Geometric representation theory, Quantum groups

Dr Gufang Zhao

Senior Lecturer

Algebra, Geometry & Topology

Previous Members

Dr June Park

Research Fellow (2022 – 2024)

Dr Mehdi Tavakol

Research Fellow (2018-2021)